
In Buddha's time, there was a cleaver, young man who studied Ayurveda medicine with a famous instructor at the city of Takkasila. One day, the instructor ordered him to survey sixteen kilometers around Takkasila to find plants that lack of medicinal properties and bring back to him.

The young man took on the challenge and left. He carefully searched around the specific area for many days and returned to tell his instructor, "I have searched all over Takkasila and could not find a single plant that does not have medicinal properties."

His instructor proudly said that, "Now, you have already completed your study, because you know with all your intellect that all plants, even a single grass, can be used as medicine"

And so, the young man paid respects to his instructor and returned to his hometown of Rajagriha and cured everyone regardless of their social classes. He later became regular physician to the Lord of Buddha. This young man was Jivaka Kumar Bhaccha, which now widely earned a reputation from all traditional Thai medicine practitioners as a master of Ayurveda medicine.