Swamp Forests


Swamp Forests are tropical moist forests where waterlogged soil prevents dead leaves, wood and animals from fully decomposing. Most of the plants found in this forest are small with short main roots and specialized aerial roots which support the trunk and leaves above the water line. The undergrowth includes those of the Pandanus spp. and various ferns. Interesting medicinal plants are Kae Lae, Kha Ling, Sea holly, Jik tha le and Sanun. Thailand's largest peat swamp forest is the Phru To Daeng forest in Narathiwat province.

Unicon plant

Lasia spinosa (ARACEAE)

Stem: for coughing and expectorant, treat skin conditions, itchy rashes, measles and feverish rashes.
Leaf: to relieve stomach pain.

Cockspur thorn

Maclura cochinchinensis (MORACEAE)

Wood: for treatment of typhus or chronic fever with skin manifestations, antidiarrheal, tonic, improves plasma activity.

White willow

Salix tetrasperma (SALICACEAE)

Bark: as antipyretic, cardiac tonic; ingredient in hot bath to relieve colds and nasal congestion. The barks contain “salicin” which is proved to be antipyretic and anti-inflammatory, it is the chemical precursor of aspirin.
Juice from fresh leaf: for the treatment of Herpes zoster.

Beach Barringtonia

Barringtonia asiatica (LECYTHIDACEAE)

Leaf: torelieve flatulence and knee pain.
Bark and seed kernal: as fish poisoning.

Sea Holly

Acanthus ebracteatus (ACANTHACEAE)

Leaf: dispense with pepper (2:1) used as tonic pill for longevity.
Whole plant: for the treatment of abscesses and infected wounds.
Seed: as anthelmintic.
Juice from crushed leaves: as hair tonic.