Thai traditional medicine focuses on the appropriate-collaborated function of the four bodily elements, viz. earth, water, wind and fire, called 'balance'. If these elements balanced, one will be healthy.

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Earth element

refers to the body structure, namely the visible or touchable organs, included bones, tissues of the bones, muscles, fascia, tendons, skin, hair, nails, teeth, old food and new food, heart, lungs, liver, kidneys, large intestine, small intestine, spleen and brain, that have the property of stability.

Water element

means fluid that can penetrate into the earth element, making it softer. It functions as a medium of circulation and accumulation, namely blood, pus, bone marrow, bile, phlegm, fluid fat, sweat, tears, mucus, saliva and urine. Earth and water elements are the immobilized structures. In Ayurvedic terms, these two elements are collectively called 'Kapha'.

Wind element

refers to the dynamic energy that initiates movement within the body, commonly known as 'Vata', such as
- wind energy that controls breathing
- wind energy that blows the blood circulation up and down throughout the body
- wind energy that controls the movement in the abdomen both inside and outside the alimentary tract
- wind energy that controls the function of the muscles and every organ or central nervous system

Fire element

refers to the energy of heat and changes, called 'Pitta':
- fire energy that warms up the body to the temperature of 37'C, a symbolic of life
- fire energy that burns up food in the digestive system in order to create the energy for living
- fire energy that controls cellular metabolism and aging. - fire energy that influences emotions such as anger, sadness and hurtfulness