Coniferous Forests


Coniferous forests are found scattered throughout the northern regions to the high-altitude plateaus in the northeastern, at 500-1,800 meters above sea level. The climate is relatively cool and dry, with little rainfall. The soil is rather acidic and not very fertile. Coniferous forests may be found interspersed with deciduous and hill evergreen forests, typically dominated by Pines and populated by only 2-3 tree species. Herbal plants found in these areas such as Pines both 2-and 3-needled, Maidenhair creeper, and Namtao lom.

Pine (3 needled)

Pinus merkusii (PINACEAE)

Wood: bitter, astringent and spicy taste. Boil or grind with water, take to relieve fever, diarrhea; as expectorant, tranquillizer.
Pine wood oil: hot taste, externally used to relieve sprains, soreness, swelling and inflammation.

Pine (2- needled)

Pinus kesiya (PINACEAE)

Wood: bitter, astringent and spicy taste. Boil or grind with water, take to relieve fever, diarrhea; as expectorant, tranquillizer.
Pine wood oil: hot taste, externally used to relieve sprains, soreness, swelling and inflammation.

Namtao lom

Nepenthes thorelii (NEPENTHACEAE)

The liquid found in the pitcher: as ear drops to relieve pus and discharge of the ear.

Maidenhair Creeper

Lygodium flexuosum (LYGODIACEAE)

Crushed flesh leaf: apply directly to the wounds, help stop bleeding and promote healing.
Underground parts: Boil and apply as a poultice to relieve aches and pains.
Root: boil and take the filtrate to treat gall stones and hemorrhoids.