Dry Evergreen Forests


Dry Evergreen Forests are similar to tropical rainforests but are less dense. They are found in every region throughout Thailand, on flat plains or hillsides, approximately 500 meters above sea level. One of the most plentiful dry evergreen forests is Phu luang forest in Wang nam keow district, Nakorn ratchasima province and is the part of Dong phaya yen forest. Notable herbal plants found in these forests such as Rang daeng, Freshwater mangrove tree, Plao noi, White cheesewood and Indian snakeroot.

Freshwater mangrove tree

Carallia brachiata (RHIZOPHORACEAE)

Stem: grinded with water and take the filtrate for fever, decoction as tonic and stimulates appetite in post labor women.
Bark: relieve fever and thirsty.

Plao noi

Croton stellatopilosus (EUPHORBIACEAE)

Stem bark and leaf: antidiarrheal, normalizes menstruation.
Leaf: contains plaunotol; claimed to be the most effective drug for peptic ulcer.

White cheesewood

Melodorum fruticosum (ANNONACEAE)

Dried Flower: as tonic, heart tonic, blood tonic and carminative.

Rang daeng

Ventilago denticulata (RHAMNACEAE)

Leaf: slightly roast or grill, then decoct or infuse as a tea, help to sooth the throat and stimulate appetite.
Shoot, leaf and bark: ingredients in anti-dandruff shampoo.
Stem: treat Ka sai (abnormal deterioration of the body).

Indian snakeroot

Rauvolfia serpentina (APOCYNACEAE)

Root: antipyretic, antihypertensive, antianxiety, sedative, appetizer and anthelmintic. Active compounds are alkaloids such as reserpine. Reserpine tablet is antihypertensive and sedative.