Mangrove Swamp Forests


Mangrove Swamp Forests are found at outfalls and along the sea coasts in the south and east of Thailand. The soil tend to be clay, the water is brackish and the flood tide and low tide are obvious. The trees in these forests are not deciduous such as Asiatisk Mangrove, Tall-stilt mangrove, Nipa palm, Garden quinine, and Indian marsh fleabane.

Mangrove apple

Sonneratia caseolaris (SONNERATIACEAE )

Root: a cool, salty taste; to relieve fever, as diuretic and expels gallstones.
Bark: Treatment of skin diseases and ulcers.
Juice from mature fruit: antidiarrheal.

Nipa palm

Nypa fruticans (PALMAE)

Young shoot: squeeze for flesh juice and mixed with coconut milk, take to treat Herpes simplex, leftover fibers are also applied to affected area.
Young fruit: taken as food.
Juice from flower cluster: use in the productions of make sugar alcohol and vinegar.

Garden quinine

Clerodendrum inerme (LABIATAE )

Fresh leaf: boil and use to take a bath for treatment of skin diseases and itching

Indian Marsh Fleabane

Pluchea indica (COMPOSITAE )

Dried whole plant: infuse as a tea, as diuretic, antidiabetic, bathe to relieve skin disease.
Juice from fresh leaves: treatment of hemorrhoids

Tall-stilt mangrove

Rhizophora apiculata (RHIZOPHORACEAE)

Bark: boil in water and used to clean wounds; stop bleeding; to treat diarrhea and dysentery.