Herbal compress ball (Drawer No. 3)
It is used to relieve muscle pain after 24-48 hours of injuries. There are several combinations of herbs but Plai rhizome is the common ingredient. The heat from the herbal ball will stimulate the dilatation of blood vessels, thus increase blood circulation and toxic compounds can be quickly removed from the painful area. The active constituents of the herbs will be absorbed afterward to reduce swelling, inflammation and sprain, clamps of muscles, tendons and joints.

Compositions of 2 herbal balls

Plai rhizome 500 grams(relieve muscular pain and inflammation)
Turmeric rhizome 100 grams (reduce inflammation, treat skin disease)
Kaffir lime fruit peel or Leaf 200 grams (reduce inflammation, flavoring agent)
Lemongrass arial part 100 grams (treat skin disease, flavoring agent)
Salt 1 tablespoonful (adsorb heat and help the absorption of active compounds)
Camphor 2 tablespoonful (heart tonic, flavoring agent)

Herbal compress ball accessories
1. Two pieces of unbleached muslin, size 35 x 35 cm. for wrapping the herbal compress balls
2. Rope or rubber rings
3. The herbal ingredients
4. Steamer or boiling pot
5. The towel to wrap the herbal compress balls

Method of preparation(Drawer No. 4)
1. Clean and coarsely chop all herbs, included Plai, turmeric, lemongrass and kaffir lime peel. Pound all herbs gently in mortar to avoid excessive juice.
2. Add salt and camphor, mix together.
3. Divide the final mixture into 2 portions, and put each portion on a pieces of unbleached muslin, wrap tightly into a ball and tie with a rope. Then, twist the edge of the cloth so that the ball can be held easily.
4. Steam the herbal balls for 15-20 minutes. Before use, wrap the herbal ball with the towel in order to avoid overheating to the affecting area.

The patients suffering diabetes, paralysis or children and the elderly should abstain massaging with herbal ball or use with special care because of low sensation and may lead to skin burn.

The used herbal compress balls must be slightly dried, keep in airtight bag or container, and put in the refrigerator, it can be reused within 3-5 days.