Hill Evergreen Forests


Hill Evergreen Forests are deciduous forests; found on northern mountaintops, in the central region and the northeast, around 1,000 meters above sea level. The hill evergreen forest is very important to the preservation of water sources. Lower shrubs comprise various ferns, ground orchids and moss. Notable herbs found here such as Saba, Sa kahn, Ra ngab pit and Tang luang

Makok kluean

Canarium subulatum (BURSERACEAE)

Whole plant: boil with water and bath for tonic.
Fruit: relieve coughing, expectorant.

Tang luang

Trevesia palmata (ARALIACEAE)

Young flower: as food, boil and eaten with chili sauce to stimulate the appetite.

Ra ngap phit

Breynia glauca (PHYLANTHACEAE)

Stem: Boil and take the filtrate to treat Tan sang (malnutrition and emaciation illnesses in children), fever, gastric ulcers; grind with water and apply to heal peeling lips.
Stem and leaf: relieve internal heat and thirsty.
Root: taken to stimulates appetite.

Sa khan

Piper sp. (PIPERACEAE)

Vine: hot spicy taste; as carminative, element tonic, relieve abdominal pain and bloating, diarrhea and stimulates appetite. Animal research indicates ability to relieve fever, pain and inflammation.


Entada rheedii (FABACEAE)

Kernel of the seed: simmered in coconut oil and sulfur to thick paste, apply to treat skin conditions including eczema, ringworm, abscesses, wounds, rashes and scabies; burn to charcoal and taken to relieve fever; contains phaseoloideside E, which in-vitro study can inhibited esophageal cancer cells.