Tropical rainforests


Tropical rainforests are found throughout the south and east, and also in some zone of Nong khai province. These areas experience heavy rainfall and high moisture levels all years. They are evergreen forests and have a high diversity of plant species, and hundreds of them are still undiscovered. The tropical evergreen forest is home to many medicinal plants such as Skeleton fork fern, Kra thon ruesi, Krachao phimot, Hiang, and Ta khian.

Kra thon ruesi

Sapria himalayana (RAFFLESIACEAE)

Flower: boil and take the filtrate, as tonic for pregnant women.

Skeleton fork fern

Psilotum nudum (PSILOTACEAE)

Whole plant was reported to have antibacterial and antifungal properties.

Krachao phimot or Ant plant

Hydnophytum formicarium (RUBIACEAE)

Tuber like stem: brownish-grey rough skin, containing numerous labyrinthine cavities; use to treat gout, swollen, inflamed and painful joints, as the heart and blood tonic and help expel parasites.


Dipterocarpus obtusifolius (DIPTEROCARPACEAE)

Leaf: boiled in saline water and use as a gargle to relieve toothache and strengthen the teeth.
Bark: boil in water and take the filtrate to treat diarrhea.
Resin oil: as astringent, expectorant and diuretic, relieve urinary tract inflammation.

Ta khian


Wood: treat yaws disease (a bacterial infection of the skin and bones), Sum pra chuan fever (a fever with red, yellow or cloudy eyes) and anti-inflammatory diseases; as expectorant. Resin: grind into powder and externally applied to treats wounds.