Deciduous dipterocarp forests


Deciduous dipterocarp forests found in the north and northeast at heights of 50-1,000 meters above sea level, usually alternation with mixed deciduous forest in geographical areas that feature rolling plains and mountain ridges. It is less dense than the mixed deciduous forest, because its shallow soil level and rocky surface prevent the storage of water and cannot retain much water. The remarkable trees are Shorea obtuse wall, S. siamensis Miq., Pterolobium intergrum Craib, Dipterocarpus? tuberculatus Roxb. and D. intricatus Dyer. from Dipterocarp family. The medical plants found are Black catechu, Indian gooseberry, Nux-vomica tree, Lod tanong and Crepe ginger.

Crape ginger

Costus speciosus (COSTACEAE)

Rhizome: treat ascites; contains phytoestrogen "diosgenin", a precursor for steroid synthesis.

Black catechu


Bark and wood: astringent taste; boil and take the filtrate to treat diarrhea, use to clean wounds, and skin diseases. Chop the wood into little pieces, boil with water and filter, simmer the filtrate to dryness and result in a black lump, used as a dye for fishing nets and in the leather industry.

Nux-vomica tree

Strychnos nux-vomica (LOGANIACEAE)

Seed: bitter tonic, cardiac and nerve tonic, increase appetite. Caution, strychnine and brucine in seed can stimulates central nervous system, overdose causes convulsion and death; use as poisoning agent for rats and dogs

Non tai yak

Stemona tuberosa (STEMONACEAE)

Root: cylindrical shaped and fleshy, contains stemonine; used as natural pesticide, the 50% decoction can be used as shampoo to get rid of lice or applied to treat scabies. For veterinary use, crash and squeeze out for the juice and apply on the cattle's wounds to kill worms.

Lot thanong

Trigonostemon reidioides (EUPHORBIACEAE)

Root: grind with water, taken to detoxify food poisoning and stimulate vomiting (first aid treatment for poisoning); to treat neurotoxin snake bite, take a combination of its root and Areca seeds, grind together with water, until vomit and crushed root with lime juice, apply directly to the affected area, needs further investigation.