Making your own herbal products

Extraction of Phaya yo leaf(Drawer No.1)
Clinacanthus nutans (Burm.f.) Lindau, ACANTHACEAE
Other names: Phaya plong thong, Salet phang phon tua mia
Indication: used fresh leaf to treat apthous ulcer, insect bites, skin rashes, herpes simplex and herpes zoster

Phaya yo concentrated extract Method of preparation
1. Clean 100 gram of Phaya yo fresh leaves with water, finely grind or blend and then place in the fermented bottle.
2. Add 100 ml of 70%, close the bottle, stand for 7 days; shake thoroughly every day.
3. Filter with a piece of muslin and squeeze, measure the liquid volume.
4. Evaporate the filtrate on a water bath until the volume of the filtrate is half the original volume. This Phaya yo concentrated extract is viscous and deep green in color.

Processing method of Phaya yo concentrated extracts (Drawer No.2)
This concentrated extracts can be processed in our home into various products for proper uses, such as Phaya yo in glycerin, Phaya yo balm and Phaya yo lotion.

Phaya yo in glycerin for treatment of apthous ulcer. Method of preparation Mix thoroughly one part of Phaya yo concentrated extracts with equal part of glycerin and store in brown glass bottle.

Phaya yo lotion and Phaya yo calamine lotion externally applied to relieve itching and inflammation. Method of preparation Mix 5 % of Phaya yo concentrated extracts with your skin lotion of commercial calamine lotion, for household uses.

Phaya yo balm For insect bites inflammation and itching

Methyl salicylate 500 grams
Cajuput oil 20 grams
Eucalyptus oil 25 grams
Menthol 500 grams
Wool fat 105 grams
Beeswax 200 grams
Phaya yo concentrated extracts 50 grams

Method of preparation
1. Melt Beeswax and wool fat on water bath.
2. Add menthol to the mixture and stir until it blends together.
3. Add other ingredients while stirring
4. Add Phaya yo concentrated extracts and stir thoroughly, then turn off the heat.
5. Fill the melt balm in closed glass containers immediately before turning to semisolid, and reheated if necessary.