Two polar perspectives in comparison

Imbalance of the four bodily elements and defectiveness of functional bodily systems accumulated intoxication and caused illness. Here is a comparative presentation of the two perspectives.

Thai traditional medicinebased on beliefs and observation

Modern medicine based on scientific principles

Activities induced diseases

Activities induced diseases

Internal factors: Each person has different compositions of the four elements

Internal factors: Each person has different genetic characters.

External factors: Changing of the environment and climate

External factors: Changing of the environment and climate, together with pollutions and radiation, e.g., ultraviolet

Inappropriate behavior: unbalanced ingestion, irrelevant to That-chao-rueang

inappropriate behavior:
improper ingestion, not only too much grilled meat, alcoholic drinks, germ-infected food, narcotic drugs, and some medicines but also exposed to pollutes and radiation

Emotion: Uncontrolled of fire element

Emotion: Uncontrolled of stress

Results: Autotoxins (bodily built toxins) from incomplete digestion and above reasons

Results: Free radicals (bodily built toxins) from cellular oxidation and above reasons

Autotoxins: Accumulated and led to mild illness such as headache, stomach ache.
If behavior is not changed, these autotoxins can become more harmful and chronic diseases can occur.

Free radicals: Accumulated, affected to DNA and the white blood cells of the immune system, and led to mild illness.
If behavior is not changed, these free radicals can become more harmful and chronic diseases can occur.

Different approaches to illness and treatment, both concepts concerned that 'without careful awareness for health, illness can occur; with proper healthcare, illness can be prevented.' Therefore, both approaches, can be combined and adapted for the healthcare benefit and illness treatment.